Annual Golf Day – 2nd June 2021

I would like to  take this opportunity to thank everyone  who  took  part  in our recent  golf  Championship  at Westderby  Golf Club on   Wednesday  2nd June 2021,  List of Winners to Follow                           Thanks  to Westderby Golf Club for hosting the event,                            special  thanks to the   L F C & E F C Former Players associations.               Congratulations to Alan Kennedy Who Came 3rd in the Stableford with 37Pts ,Congratulations to Derek Mountfield Who won the Longest Drive Hole 18 also the Nearest the Pins Holes 07-14, Special Thanks to.       John Aldridge, David Fairclough, Alan Kennedy,  Derek Mount field,  Leon  Osman, Tony Sage for arranging the Former. E F C Players to take part,  Special thanks to our new Golf society’s.  X PAC, and Warbortons,                                                                                    and also Bob Dunne,  Arriva Green Lane,                                                              Special thanks to Jennette & Marie also staff  O S C Club                      Thanks To JO WALL For The Signed   L F C Shirt and Entertaining,              us at the presentation on the night, Paul Frost & James who took all the photos & videos,Ian Frost,London David Jameison ,Stoke                                                                                              Thanks to AB Screen Print, for our new Banner,                                                       Thanks to our New Sponsors    T. Wynn ROOFING,                                     P.T.E.C. PLANT HIRE,   X PAC ,  Taxi Board Games,                                                 Special thanks  to Chris Clarke F I S,                                                                            also Mr Paul Moriarty  for all the Open Official Merchandise,                  Who I hope will be doing the Golf presentation   for Lee Park,      Congratulations to Mark Yates getting a Hole in One,                              Nearest The Pin Hole 12 Winning a Four Ball at Hillside Golf Club.                                          Special thanks,  to the  following Golf Clubs who Kindly donated                all the 4 Balls Hillside, Mold, Eastham Lodge Aldersey Green ,Leasowe,     Blundells Hill Berrington Hall,West Derby ,Lee Park,                                                                                         Special Thanks to the L.T. D. C. I.C. O.F.C.  for all your invaluable support throughout the year  Raising  Much Needed Funds.    

For more details please contact  Mr Bernie Buxton MBE

on 07930 402 582   or E-mail :

Click Here to download the official flyer

Annual Golf Day – 1st Sept 2021

Golf Day 2021

The 2nd of our 2021 Golf Tournaments takes place on Wed 1st Sept 2021 at Lee Park Golf Club

Only £25 per person, including Tea/Coffee and Croissant served before tee off.

Why not come along and support our great charity following the very difficult COVID-19 year and help us support children in care across the region.

For more details please contact Bernie Buxton MBE on 07930 402 582 or E-mail :

Click Here to download the official flyer